Legal Framework

The External Affairs Legislations that fall within the purview of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are:

  • Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees) Act 1959 (Revised 1988) [Act 348];

  • Diplomatic Privileges (Vienna Convention) Act 1966 [Act 636];

  • Consular Relations (Vienna Convention) Act 1999 [Act 595];

  • Foreign Representative (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1967 (Revised 1995) [Act 541];

  • International Organisations (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1992 [Act 485]; and

  • Chemical Weapons Convention Act 2005 [Act 641].

In addition, the Federal Constitution allows Parliament to make laws related to external affairs that include:

  • Treaties, agreements and conventions with other countries;

  • Implementation of treaties, agreements and conventions with other countries;

  • Diplomatic, consular and trade representation;

  • International organisations; participation in international bodies and implementation of decisions taken thereat;

  • Extradition, fugitive offenders; admission into, and emigration and expulsion from, the Federation;

  • Passports, visas, permits of entry or other certificates, quarantine; 

  • Foreign and extra-territorial jurisdiction; and

  • Pilgrimage to places outside Malaysia.