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Villa 83, Street 10D
Mankhool, Bur Dubai
P.O.Box 4598

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+ 971 - 4 - 3985 843 (General enquiries)
+971 - 4 - 3985 847 (General enquiries) 
+ 971 - 4 - 3985 809

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Monday - Friday
8.30 a.m. - 3.30 p.m. (Monday - Thursday) 8.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. (Friday)
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Courtesy Visit from the Malaysian Rubber Council (MRC)

The Consulate General of Malaysia in Dubai had the pleasure of receiving a courtesy visit from the Malaysian Rubber Council (MRC), led by the Chairman, Dato’ Sri Mohamad Suparadi Bin Md Noor. The meeting aimed to explore various industries in the UAE and discuss potential collaborations with the MRC for future endeavors.