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Farewell Calls by Mr. Edi Irwan Mahmud

Mr. Edi Irwan Mahmud departed for Malaysia on 13 November 2019 upon completion of his tour of duty as the Consul General of Malaysia to Western Australia.  Prior to his departure, he had paid farewell calls to the following dignitaries.


Farewell call on Ms. Samantha Patuto, Regional Director WA, Department of Home Affairs 
23 October 2019



Farewell call on Mr. Rod O’Donnell, Regional Commander WA, Australian Border Force

23 October 2019


Farewell call on Mr. Michael Carter, Manager, International Trade & Investment Centre, Chamber of Commerce & Industry WA

29 October 2019


Farewell call on the Hon. Peter Tinley AM MLA, Minister for Housing; Veterans Issues; Youth; Asian Engagement of Western Australia

30 October 2019


Farewell call on the Hon. Mark McGowan MLA, Premier of Western Australia

30 October 2019


Farewell call on the Hon. Paul Papalia CSC MLA, Minister for Tourism; Racing and Gaming; Small Business; Defence Issues; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests of Western Australia

4 November 2019


Farewell call on the Hon. Liza Harvey MLA, Leader of the Opposition

6 November 2019


Farewell call on the Hon. Bill Johnston MLA, Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Energy; Industrial Relations of Western Australia

7 November 2019


Farewell call on Ms. Kate Longhurst, Director of Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), WA

7 November 2019


Farewell call on the Hon. Kim Beazley AC, Governor of Western Australia

12 November 2019