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Workshop on "Transformasi Nasional 50 (TN50) - Dari Kami untuk Malaysia"


   On 22 July 2017, the Embassy of Malaysia in Berlin had organised a workshop on Transformasi Nasional (TN50) for Malaysian students in Berlin. Some 30 students took part in the workshop which was officiated Ambassador Dato’ Zulkifli Adnan. During his remarks, H.E. Ambassador emphasized on the importance of students and youths’ involvement in contributing their ideas and aspirations towards the achievement of TN50.



  The workshop focussed on education and sports taking into account Germany’s achievements in the domains. The students were divided into three groups during break-up sessions, assisted by facilitators from among the Home Based Staff of the Embassy. The participants later presented the outcomes of their groups’ discussion during the dialogue session which will be shared with the main Secretariat of TN50 back home.