Passport Renewal
For passport renewal, following documents are required (Please bring ALL ORIGINAL + 2 PHOTOCOPIES):-
1. Form IM.42 (2 copies in A4 paper, front and back on same page);
2. Malaysian Identity Card or Birth Certificate (new born);
3. Three (3) passport photos with white/grey background;
4. Finland / Estonia / Latvia Resident Permit;
5. Passport Fee (Adult €45.00 / Child below 12 years €25.00);
6. Postage from Helsinki - London (€20.00 payable in cash only. Receipt will be provided by POSTI).
7. For child below 18 years old, additional documents are required:
a. Parent's marriage certificate (Malaysian);
b. Parent's passport and Identity card (Malaysian parents, can be either one or both);
c. Parent's Resident Permit (can be either one or both); and
d. Child's birth certificate (Borang H).
8. Normal processing two (2) to three (3) months while express processing takes two (2) to three (3) weeks provided you pay courier charges (Helsinki - London - Helsinki);
9. Appointment required for passport renewal (0900 - 1200 hrs, last appointment 1130 hrs)
As the application requires the applicant fingerprint, you will need to submit the application in person. During the application period you may keep your old passport as record before receiving your new passport.