Soon after its independence in 1957, Japan was one of the first countries that Malaysia established bilateral relations with. Our relations have since blossomed and matured. Japan is Malaysia's most important trading partner and source for foreign investment.
The Look East Policy" further places Japan as an important partner for Malaysia's human resources development. The Embassy Complex is a symbol of our confidence in the continuing mutually beneficial relationship with Japan.
The Embassy of Malaysia in Tokyo was established in January 1958 in Otowa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo. The Embassy was re-located to Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo in 1966 and later on moved to the present address at 20-16 Nanpeidai-Cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo in November 1968.
In 1989, the Government of Malaysia has approved the construction of the present Embassy Complex. The Complex consists of a Chancery and an Official Residence of the Ambassador. The construction of the Embassy Complex took three years to complete and it was inaugurated by YAB Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on 24 December 1991.
No. | List of Malaysian Ambassadors to Japan (1958 - 2021) | Term of service |
1. | H.E. Dr. Lee Tiang Keng | 1958-1961 |
2. | H.E. Dato’ Syed Sheh Shahabuddin | 1961-1964 |
3. | H.E. YM Tan Sri Tengku Indera Petra ibni Almarhum Sultan Ibrahim | 1964-1967 |
4. | H.E. Tan Sri Zaiton Ibrahim | 1967-1968 |
5. | H.E. Dato Hussein Mohamed Osman | 1969-1972 |
6. | H.E. YM Raja Tan Sri Aznam Raja Ahmad | 1972-1975 |
7. | H.E. Tan Sri Lim Taik Choon | 1975-1981 |
8. | H.E. Datuk Jamaluddin Abu Bakar | 1981-1986 |
9. | H.E. Tan Sri Datuk Ahmad Kamil Jaafar | 1986-1989 |
10. | H.E. Tan Sri Datuk Muhammad Khatib Abdul Hamid | 1989-1999 |
11. | H.E. Tan Sri Datuk Marzuki Mohammad Noor | 1999-2006 |
12. | H.E. Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd Radzi Abdul Rahman | 2006-2009 |
13. | H.E. Datuk Shaharuddin Md Som | 2009-2014 |
14. | H.E. Dato’ Ahmad Izlan Idris | 2015-2018 |
15. | H.E. Dato’ Kennedy Jawan | 2019-2021 |