History History

Embassy of Malaysia in Belgrade
Republic of Serbia




Malaysia re-established its diplomatic relations with the then Serbia and Montenegro and re-opened its Embassy in Belgrade on 13 February 2004. His Excellency Dato' Saw Ching Hong presented his Letter of Credence on 30 March 2004. Apart from the Head of Mission, the Counsellor is assigned to deal mostly with political and economic issues and the overall administration of the Embassy while the Third Secretary is in charge of finance and consular matters.


The Chancery building of the Embassy is located in a residential area of Dedinje, a diplomatic enclave in the old part of Belgrade. The office hour is from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. from Monday to Friday.




Malezija je obnovila svoje diplomatske odnose sa tada Srbijom i Crnom Gorom i ponovo otvorila svoju Ambasadu u Beogradu 13. Februara 2004. godine. Njegova ekselencija ambasador Saw Ching Hong je predao svoje akreditive 30. Marta 2004. godine. Pored Njegove ekselencije, imenovan je i savetnik za politicka i ekonomska pitanja i celokupnu administraciju Ambasade dok je treci sekretar zadužen za finansijska i konzularna pitanja.


Zgrada Ambasade Malezije se nalazi u stambenom delu Dedinja, u diplomatskoj cetvrti u starom delu Beograda. Radno vreme Ambasade je od 08.30 do 16.30 od ponedeljka do petka.