Malaysia became a member of the United Nations on 17 September 1957, when it was then known as the Federation of Malaya. The twelfth session of the United Nations General Assembly, presided over by Sir Leslie Munro of New Zealand, unanimously agreed to admit Malaya as its 82nd member through resolution 1134(XII).
Tun. Dr. Ismail Abd Rahman (left) congratulated by Sir Leslie Munro, President of the 12th General Assembly (right) at Malaya's flag-raising ceremony at the United Nations headquarters, 15 October 1957. (Photo by UN)
Tun Dr. Ismail Abd Rahman was Malaya and Malaysia's first ambassador to the United States of America and the United Nations – two posts which he held concurrently from 1957 till 1959. He returned home and served in several Cabinet posts, including as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and was appointed as Malaysia's second Deputy Prime Minister in 1970.
Dr. Radhakrishna Ramani (right) listening to Secretary-General U Thant (left) addressing the Security Council, 19 May 1965. (Photo by UN/TC)
Dr. Radhakrishna Ramani was the first Malaysian elected as President of the United Nations Security Council and headed the Malaysian delegation during its first term in the Council in 1965 (Malaysia was sharing the term with Czechoslovakia which served in 1964). He presided over a large number of debates as the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) were locked in dispute over the situation in the Dominican Republic. He was a fierce defender of Malaysia during its early formation years at the United Nations.
Malaysia has held a rotational non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council for four terms, beginning in 1965 (with Czechoslovakia), 1989-1990, 1999-2000 and the most recent in 2015-2016.
Tan Sri PG Lim at an ECOSOC meeting in 1972. (Source)
Tan Sri PG Lim was Malaysia's first female ambassador. She was the Deputy Permanent Representative of Malaysia to the United Nations, with the rank of ambassador, from 1971 to 1973. In 1972, she served as a Vice President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and Chair of the Social Committee - later renamed in 1966 as the Commission for Social Development (CSocD). Tan Sri PG Lim was among the first female lawyers to practise in Malaysia, and was Malaysia's ambassador to Yugoslavia and Austria (1973-1977), Belgium and the European Economic Community (1977-1979). Tan Sri PG Lim was also Malaysia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Industrial and Development Oganisation (UNIDO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria from 1973 to 1977.
Tan Sri Razali Ismail (centre) and Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali of Egypt (right) welcoming Kofi Annan of Ghana (left), the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations, to the podium of the General Assembly Hall, 17 December 1996. (Photo by UN/Evan Schneider)
Tan Sri Razali Ismail is the first Malaysian elected as President of the United Nations General Assembly, and presided over its 51st session from 17 September 1996 to 15 September 1997. Tan Sri Razali also served in various capacities at the United Nations, such as Head of the Malaysian delegation to the United Nations Security Council (serving twice as its President – in June 1989 and in July 1990), Chairman of the Commission on Sustainable Development in 1993, and the Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Myanmar from 2000 to 2005.
Malaysia is currently one of the 21 elected Vice-Presidents of the General Assembly's 77th session (2022-2023). Malaysia has served as Vice-President of the General Assembly six other times – specifically at its 20th session (1965-1966), 39th session (1984-1985), 41st session (1986-1987), 46th session (1991-1992), 60th session (2005-2006), and 68th session (2013-2014).
Tan Sri Hamidon Ali chairing the opening of ECOSOC's 2010 High-Level Segment which prioritized women's rights and empowerment, particularly in the context of the Millenium Development Goals, 28 June 2010. (Photo by UN/Eskinder Debebe)
Tan Sri Hamidon Ali is the first Malaysian elected as President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), having been appointed as its 66th President on 19 January 2010. He also served as the Chairman of the United Nations Population Award Committee, Chairman of the Fifth Committee (Management and Budgetary) of the 62nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly, Vice-President of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in 2008, and Vice-Chairman of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) from 2006 to 2007.
Malaysia has served in the ECOSOC for seven terms, beginning in 1971-1973, 1976-1978, 1983-1985, 1991-1993, 1995-1997, 2003-2005, and most recently in 2008-2010. Notable Malaysian diplomats who had served as ECOSOC Vice-President are Tan Sri PG Lim (in 1972), Tan Sri Razali Ismail (1991), and Tan Sri Hamidon Ali (2009).
Malaysia is currently serving in the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) for the 2022-2024 term. Malaysia’s election to the HRC is a testament of the international community’s recognition and confidence in the country’s endeavours as a consensus builder and facilitator towards the advancement of human rights.
Malaysia has served in the HRC twice before, from 2006-2009 and 2010-2013 where it worked constructively with all stakeholders in the pursuit of a balanced and non-politicised approach to human rights issues.
The HRC is a 47-member inter-governmental body within the United Nations system responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights. It considers all thematic human rights issues, human rights violations and specific situations requiring attention.
Malaysian women peacekeepers of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) at a medal ceremony in Kawkaba, Lebanon, 11 January 2012. (Photo by UN/Pasqual Gorriz)
Malaysia is a supporter of United Nations peacekeeping operations as an instrument to maintain international peace and security. In October 1960, Malaysia participated in its first peacekeeping operation with the deployment of 3,500 Malay Special Forces of the then Malayan Armed Forced to the United Nations Operation in Congo (ONUC). To date, Malaysia has participated in 38 UN peacekeeping operations and deployed nearly 40,000 personnel worldwide. As of September 2022, Malaysia ranks 25th out of 124 troop-contributing countries with 846 uniformed personnel - 93 of whom are female.