Travel Advisory Travel Advisory

Categories of Business Travellers
1. The OSC Secretariat has been established since 2 October 2020 to ease the entry of business travellers from all economic sectors to Malaysia. Business travellers are categorised into two groups, namely Short Term Business Travellers (14 days or less entry into Malaysia) and Long Term Business Travellers (more than 14 days entry into Malaysia).
2. Short Term Business Travellers are categorised as follows:
i. Potential investors seeking to do business in Malaysia;
ii. Existing investors namely business owners, board members, executives and associates of companies in Malaysia (without Employment Pass);
iii. Business customers for product qualification and validation before commercial production; and
iv. Technical experts for ad-hoc emergency cases to serve single or multiple customers across Malaysia.
3. Long Term Business Travellers are categorised as follows:
i. New/Existing expatriates stranded abroad, namely active holders of Employment Pass (EP) and Resident Pass-Talent (RP-T);
ii. New/Existing foreign technical experts stranded abroad with Professional Visit Pass (PVP) to serve multiple customers across Malaysia;
iii. Frequent foreign business travellers (Exit & Return) including Regional Establishments (RE), Regional Operations (RO) and Principal Hubs (PH) representatives;
iv. Permanent Resident (PR) Pass Holders;
v. Malaysia My 2nd Home (MM2H) Social Visit Pass Holders;
vi. Frequent Malaysian business travellers (Exit & Return); and
vii. Social Visit Pass.
*Further information regarding this can be obtained via the Malaysia Safe Travel portal:
Application and Issuance of Visa
4. The Immigration Department of Malaysia (JIM) still maintains its current practice for foreigners (including business travellers) from certain countries to apply for visa, prior to entry into Malaysia. For ease of reference, the visa requirement to enter into Malaysia can be accessed via the following link: utama/visa/keperluan-visa-mengikut-negara.html
5. Missions at host countries (as per the list) will still need to issue visa to business travellers, based on the usual practice. Application for Malaysian visa for this purpose can be done via the following link:
Application for entry into Malaysia
6. Expatriates with passes and Short Term Business Travellers will need to apply for entry permission to come into Malaysia through the MyEntry system (they will also need to apply for visa if they are from a country that requires Malaysian visa). The MyEntry system is catered specifically for expatriates with passes and Short Term Business Travellers. Further information on the MyEntry system can be accessed as follows:
7. For travellers from other categories (apart from point No.6), they need to apply for entry permission to enter Malaysia through the MyTravelPass system. For further information on the categories under the MyTravelPass system, the information can be obtained at the MyTravelPass portal as follows:
8. Any travellers who wish to enter Malaysia must obtain entry permission approval first by JIM (after submitting their application via MyEntry or MyTravelPass systems), prior to applying for visa (applicable for countries that require visa to enter Malaysia).
Letter of Undertaking and Indemnity for Short Term Business Travellers (LoU) / Letter of Undertaking for Persons under Surveillance (PUS) for Long Term Business Travellers (PUS)
9. Business travellers must also ensure to obtain the Letter of Undertaking from the Malaysia’s Safe Travel portal, namely Letter of Undertaking and Indemnity for Short Term Business Travellers (LoU) and Letter of Undertaking for Persons under Surveillance for Long Term Business Travellers (PUS), prior to disembarking on their journey to Malaysia. Travellers are advised to read and fully understand the content of the LoU/PUS.
10. For Short Term Business Travellers, the LoU needs to be printed out by the traveller (once approved by the OSC Committee) and brought along when embarking on their journey to Malaysia. Upon arrival in Malaysia, the LoU will need to be presented to a customer service officer stationed at the Business Travellers Center (BTC), located at Gate 36 of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) for endorsement. The LoU will be witnessed and signed by an authorised Government representative (MITI) at the BTC.
11. For Long Term Business Travellers, the PUS needs to be printed out by the traveller (once approved by the OSC Committee) and brought along when embarking on their journey to Malaysia. The PUS shall be signed and witnessed by a Government representatives at Malaysia’s International Border, upon arrival.
12. Both documents for this purpose does not require any official stamp/endorsement from Missions.
Important notes prior to disembarking to Malaysia
13. Travellers need to undergo PCR COVID-19 testing (mandatory) in the country of origin, prior to departure (as per the procedures stated at the Malaysia’s Safe Travel portal). Apart from this, travellers must also ensure all necessary/required documentation (e.g. travel pass, visa [if applicable], Letter of Indemnity [based on category] and other documents as stated in the Malaysia’s Safe Travel portal) are completed, prior to embarking on their journey.
14. Travellers are also advised to contact their respective airlines, prior to departure, to inquire on the airlines SOP/guidelines, in order to obtain a boarding pass.
15. A traveller must bring along all necessary documentation to ensure that they obtain their boarding pass from the airlines and gain entry into their flight.
Arriving in Malaysia
For Short Term Business Travellers
16. After arriving in Malaysia, Short Term Business Travellers will be accompanied by a Duty Officer to the BTC for registration, health screening and to undertake COVID-19 PCR test. They will also need to present their LoU for endorsement.
17. Representatives at the center will advise the Short-Term Business Travellers on the next step and assist on any further queries.
18. Short Term Business Travellers may be considered for exemption from mandatory quarantine, subject to approval from the OSC Committee and adherence to strict SOPs.
For Long-Term Business Travellers
19. After arriving in Malaysia, Long-Term Business Travellers will subjected to mandatory quarantine as per the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) guidelines.
Further information/ inquiries on the OSC Business Travellers
20. Further information/assistance can be obtained at the FAQ section of the portal -
21. For any inquiries regarding the process/procedures/guidelines/SOPs for entry of business travellers, the queries can also be directed to the OSC Secretariat as follows:
OSC Secretariat (Industry Talent Management and Expatriate Division)
Tel. No: +603-2267 3633/3431